Garden Pac Invertech 27.3kw are one of the most silent Heat Pumps. Latest models now come with built in WIFI. These Inverter Heat Pumps are 10 times quieter than standard heat pumps offering higher COP of over 15 and they can even work down to -7 degrees C and heat water up to 40°C.
Built in WiFi allows simple control of the heat pump, where ever you are.
Now you can have both quiet running and as near an all year heating as possible in one very competitively price heat pump. Even if you do not need all year heating having the capability to run with an effective COP at low temperatures means the Garden Pac Invertech Heat Pump will allow you to heat an outdoor pool at the beginning and end of the season, normally the hardest times to keep the pool warm
Packed full of the highest spec components the Garden Pac Inverter Swimming Pool Pumps have taken the next step in Swimming Pool Heating
If you would like to ask us to price match a competitor, please click the Price Match image to send us the request.
The Invertech range of heat pumps can save energy by controlling the pool filtration pump, turning it On & Off intelligently, according to the heating requirement of the pool. With the pump running only when needed noise is reduced as well as running costs, whilst always maintaning the desired pool temperature.
The Garden Pac Invertech Inverter Swimming Pool Heat Pumps are powered by Twin-Rotary Mitsubishi DC Inverter Compressors. Based on the "Twin Mechanism" principle, two rotors operate together to balance the torque to stop most of the shaking created by normal compressors. This results in the highest efficiency, very low vibration and ultimately extremely quiet operation.
The Garden Pac Heat Pumps come with Digital controls for easy operation and accurate pool temperature setting, a Titanium Heat Exchanger to protect against Chlorine or Salt in the pool water, a "Soft Start" on all Models which reduces the power required when turning the units on and a 7 Year Compressor & Heat Exchanger warranty, which is unmatched elsewhere.
The Garden Pac Range of Inverter Heat Pumps cover just about every domestic swimming pool from 20m3 (15ft Above Ground Pool) up to 120m3 (20ft x 40ft) pools.
If you would like help sizing the heat pump to your pool please call is on 01322 554 870
Power Output At Air 26°C
Max Pool Size (m3)
Power Output At Air 15°C
AICR10-20 GHD-150-0326
25-45 m3
AICR13-20 GHD-150-0327
35-55 m3
AICR17-20 GHD-150-0329
40-75 m3
AICR21-20 GHD-150-0330
50-95 m3
AICR28-20 GHD-150-0331
65-120 m3
(3-Phase) - GHD-150-0332
65-120 m3