RETURNS: This product can be returned in original packaging, suitable for resale, within 14 days from date of delivery. Returns should be sent via a "Signed For" carrier or post. A Returns Number must be obtained before sending goods back.
When we receive the item, our returns department confirm that everything is present and in its in original condition to ensure its eligibility for refund. We process refunds as quickly as possible. We process most refunds on the same day which they were received, but please allow up to a maximum of 14 days for the money to reach your account. It rarely takes this long, but can happen sometimes for reasons such as bank delays or errors..
Energy Guard Geobubble solar means reduced chance of Algae in Summer or Winter. This summer & winter pool cover has a grey top surface and a black underside. It is this combination that gives it the ability to provide a variety of benefits to the pool owner. The sun’s heat will warm the dark blue surface of the cover and this energy is absorbed and transferred into the water surface area directly under the cover.
Energy Guard Selective Transmission has been awarded the 2018 business innovation award for delivering significant societal and economic impact through the application of physics
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The Energy Guard 500 cover, in tests at Brighton and Metropolitan Universities, showed conclusive energy savings of over 50%. During comprehensive testing a pool was covered with an EnergyGuard 500 swimming pool cover and a woven mesh debris cover. No winter pool chemicals were used and the water was clear of algae after the 6 month period. Quite amazing.
This winter & summer pool cover will save you time, money, effort and is most definitely worth the investment.
Installing an Energy Guard 500 micron Winter & Summer Pool Cover on your swimming pool over winter will ensure that you have a much greater chance of having no algae when you open your swimming pool in the Spring. Install this "Must Have" pool cover under you regular Winter Debris Cover and not only will your pool be Free from Algae but it will be spotlessly clean too.
Please see our option add on for leading edge and strap set in black to finish the look